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Mischief Managed Wiki

The Braking Charm is a spell used on broomsticks to help them stop faster. High-end Quidditch and racing brooms are embedded with this charm when they are created. In some cases, a particular type of broom may have an unbreakable version place on it. Cheaper brooms lack the use of a braking charm.

Casting and Effects

When cast on a broom, it allows it to come to a stop much easier and faster than a broom without this charm. The braking charm only works on broomsticks.

Variations of use

  • Makes a broom stop more effectively.


OOC Dice Information

The Braking Charm requires a player to be level 1 or higher in order for it to cast successfully. Role players are of course more than welcome to attempt to cast this spell if they are below the required level. In some cases -usually in the event of a resounding success (critical)- the attempt may roll success despite being below its required level.

Use in Role Play

As mentioned above, this spell works strictly on broomsticks and is used for no other reason than to make it more effective at bringing the broom (as it is being flown) so a faster stop. When cast on a broomstick after it's creation, the spell isn't as effective. While it is better than not having the spell at all, a broom that is built with the charm incorporated by professional broom makers, will largely outperform cheaper brooms that lack the spell, or had it cast afterwards.


  • Success

MM - HUD v2.2.16: MM Character attempted to cast Locking Charm and succeeded!

MM Character held their wand outward and pointed it at their broomstick, "Tardesce Statum!" The broom gave a subtle twitch. Later when MM Character was flying during Quidditch practice, they tried to make a quick stop before smashing into the Hufflepuff bleachers. "That was close!" MM Character said in a sigh of relief as the broom came to a stop just inches away from what would of been a neat crash.

  • Fail

MM - HUD v2.2.16: MM Character attempted to cast Unlocking Charm and failed.

MM Character held their wand outward and pointed it at their broomstick, "Tardesce Statum!" Later when MM Character was flying during Quidditch practice, they tried to make a quick stop but found themselves flying into the Hufflepuff Bleachers instead!
