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The Potion for Dreamless Sleep, also known as the Dreamless Sleep Potion, was a purple medicinal potion that was used to induce drowsiness and, if done properly, provide a dreamless sleep for the drinker.

"Dreamless sleep. I do not approve of dreams... they mess with the psyche." - Lars Stangeland


  • 3 Daisy Roots
  • 2 spoonfuls Flobberworm Mucus
  • 8 sprigs Lavender
  • 3 drops Lethe River Water
  • 4 Moly Flowers
  • 1 Sopophorous Bean
  • 4 Valerian Sprigs
  • 2 cups Standard Potioning Water

Brewing Instructions[]

Part 1

  1. Add 1 cup of water to a cauldron and turn to a medium heat.
  2. Finely chop the lavender and add to the cauldron.
  3. Stir 4 times counterclockwise, then 4 times clockwise.
  4. Cut the Sopophorous bean in half to release the juice and add to the cauldron.
  5. Stir once clockwise, then again counterclockwise. Repeat twice.
  6. Add 1 drop of Lethe water
  7. Allow to heat for 3 minutes.
  8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 twice.
  9. Lower the heat, cover, and leave to brew for 8 hours.
Cauldron Times
Pewter Copper Brass Silver Gold
8 Hours


480 minutes

6 Hours and 24 Minutes


384 minutes

5 Hours and 7 Minutes


307 minutes

4 Hours and 6 Minutes


246 minutes

3 Hours and 17 Minutes


197 minutes

Part 2

  1. Uncover then cut the valerian sprigs into shreds and add to the cauldron.
  2. Stir slowly clockwise once
  3. Allow to simmer for 3 minutes.
  4. Add the daisy roots to the cauldron.
  5. Cover and leave to brew for 8 hours.
Cauldron Times
Pewter Copper Brass Silver Gold
8 Hours


480 minutes

6 Hours and 24 Minutes


384 minutes

5 Hours and 7 Minutes


307 minutes

4 Hours and 6 Minutes


246 minutes

3 Hours and 17 Minutes


197 minutes

Part 3

  1. Uncover then add the Flobberworm Mucus to the cauldron.
  2. Stir once clockwise, then counterclockwise, to disperse.
  3. Allow to heat for 4 minutes until thickened.
  4. Add the moly to the cauldron.
  5. Add 1 cup of water to the cauldron.
  6. Stir 7 times clockwise, then once counterclockwise.
  7. Cover and leave to brew for 18 hours until purple in colour.
Cauldron Times
Pewter Copper Brass Silver Gold
18 Hours


1080 minutes

14 Hours and 24 Minutes


864 minutes

11 Hours and 31 Minutes


691 minutes

9 Hours and 13 Minutes


553 minutes

7 Hours and 22 Minutes


442 minutes


There is NOTHING in this potion that will cause it to explode, create a toxic fume, or create a foul order, or any other dangers that are NOT listed on this page.


When drunk, this purple medicinal potion is used to induce drowsiness and, if done properly, a dreamless sleep in the drinker.

OOC Information[]

This potion requires a Potions Skill Level of 29 in order to be a chance at a successful brew. If your Potions Skill is not at least 29, then it has a high chance of being a failed attempt or producing a dud.
